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Our Classes

Join us for unique classes, small class sizes, a welcoming environment, and genuinely caring instructors. No experience necessary. Just wear comfortable clothes and come with a willingness to give it a try. You don't need to be strong or limber to begin yoga: strength and flexibility will come with practice. Your instructor can offer pose modifications to accommodate everyone.

If you can breathe, you can do yoga!


Hatha Yoga for all levels

In this practice, the focus is on Asana (poses) and Pranayam (breath work) and Meditation (mind work). I teach a gentle practice, building strength and heat gently. Utilizing props, bringing accesibility and deepening your practice.

Nature Tokens

Yin Yoga & Yang for the Yin

Effort and Ease.

In Yang, we create heat in the body by moving slowly with strength. Allowing our breath to be our guide, we deepen our relationship with its calming benefits.

In Yin, we restore the body. Holding gentle poses and supporting our body with props, allowing the body to slowly release tension. The key is learning to be in the stillness of the moment.

Purple Yoga Mat

A practice of whole body strengthening exercises done from a mat, using your own body weight. Focus is on deep core muscles.

Pink Lotus Flower
Fitness Friends

Pranayama, Kriyas & Kundalini

In this practice, we work with the energy body. Moving energy through the chakras with pranayam, movement and mantra.

Sacred Sunday Yoga is a Kundalini Practice.


Let go and dive in. Meditation is a practice of radical self honesty. Resting in stillness of the mind is a practice Journey inwards, learn to calm the mind, healing on your journey inwards to your inner bliss.

Business Wellness Events Student Wellness Class

I teach in a variety of settings, helping to create and support wellness. I teach wellness yoga for business events and schools.

I also teach Goat Yoga, local summer camps for kids, and private lessons at Bonnie Heath Lavender Farm & Winery

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